Lee Huber
Operations Manager
Lee Huber, BSBA, NREMTA, Operations Manager. Lee joined Lakes Region EMS as an Operations Manager in 2013. Prior to this role, he served as the Director of EMS for a county-wide volunteer department in southeastern South Dakota. He began in EMS while attending the University of South Dakota, and gained experience in EMS, the fire service and as a Deputy Sheriff before moving into an EMS leadership role. His current role includes serving as the Director of EMS for Cumberland Healthcare’s EMS Department through a management contract. There, he has led the department to lead the organization in employee engagement, scoring in the 99th percentile on Gallup’s Employee Engagement Survey in 2020. He is active in the Northwest Wisconsin Regional Trauma Advisory Council, currently serving as the chair for the Education and EMS Committee. He continues to instruct numerous courses, including ACLS, PALS and PHTLS. In 2019, he received the American Ambulance Association’s Star of Life award.

Lakes Region EMS
40245 Fletcher Ave
North Branch, Minnesota 55056
651-277-4911 Operations / Billing / Education
651-674-4628 FAX
651-224-8994 Interfacility Transfer